
Letters to The Editor, Week of Feb. 9, 2017

Letters to The Editor, Week of Jan. 3, 2018

Trump’s next target: Animals

To The Editor:

As he was signing edicts hurting one group after another over the past two weeks, it was only a matter of time before Donald Trump got around to hurting animals — already the most oppressed sentient beings on earth.

The animals’ turn came yesterday — with the pulling down of the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Web site that reports on government regulation of roughly 9,000 animal-handling facilities. These include laboratories, dog breeders, fur farms, circuses, zoos and aquariums.

The Web site is used every day by animal-protection activists to monitor government enforcement of the 1966 Animal Welfare Act, the only effective federal law protecting animals.

Taking down the APHIS inspection site is a huge setback for animal protection. It will almost certainly lead to reduced government inspection of animal facilities and more animal suffering — a virtual repeal of the Animal Welfare Act.

Ironically, this oppressive act was launched by the same dark-of-night process as that of pulling more than 100,000 visas from thoroughly vetted Muslim immigrants one week earlier — no notice, no hearings, no due process, no public announcement.

The oppressive mindset doesn’t really care who the victims are. Hopefully, the courts will.

Nelson Yancy


Make Knicks great again

To The Editor:

New York Knicks team president Phil Jackson announced on Twitter the trade of former All-Star Carmelo Anthony, vowing “to make the Knicks great again.” Jackson recently accused Melo of stalling the offense, as well as hiding his cushy back-support pillow he brings to games.

After weeks of pleading and begging G.M.’s around the league, Jackson worked out a “yuuuge deal” for New York by trading the disgruntled Anthony to the Monterey Immigrantes in the Mexican Federation. In exchange, the Knicks received a Chevy pickup, two burros and former Los Angeles Dodger Fernando Valenzuela.

The entire deal was vetted personally by El Presidente Donald J. Trump, who levied a 20 percent tariff on the burros to protect his newly founded burro industry in the Rust Belt.

Anthony was not available for comment while the Mexican government threatened to deny Melo a visa in line with its new policy of keeping undesirable Americans out of Mexico

Carl Rosenstein


Tell it to Trump

To The Editor:

Re “Yo! Move it, Melania!” (letters to the editor, Feb. 2):

Lauren Shapiro should also post her excellent comment on the Web site “Contact the President.” It is very easy to do and is direct and official: https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/#page .

Barbara Ruether


Hard-working House rep

To The Editor:

Re “Nadler and Velazquez rush to the rescue of refugees at J.F.K.” (news article, Feb. 2):

Nadler is a real civil servant. I have seen him on an evening or a weekend working about town.

Donald Moder


E-mail letters, not longer than 250 words in length, to news@thevillager.com or fax to 212-229-2790 or mail to The Villager, Letters to the Editor, 1 MetroTech North, 10th floor, Brooklyn, NY, 11201. Please include phone number for confirmation purposes. The Villager reserves the right to edit letters for space, grammar, clarity and libel. Anonymous letters will not be published.