
Letters, Week of July 2, 2015

Letters to The Editor, Week of Jan. 3, 2018

Rebuild hospital near us!

To The Editor:
Re “Plan to rebuild Beth Israel Hospital one block to north” (news article, June 18):

There are a number of hospitals north of the current Beth Israel, whereas the Village, East and West, could certainly use a hospital. Have they considered moving the hospital further south?
Sylvia Rackow

No escape from drumming

To The Editor:
Re “Will Board 2 drum loud music out of Washington Square Park?” (news article, May 28) and “Drumbeat builds for reining in noisy music in Wash. Sq.” (news article, June 11):

Thanks for reporting on the effort to ban drum music from Washington Square Park. Everyone respects the long tradition of music in the park, but drums are a different story: They are really loud. If a drummer is giving it his all, there is no place in the whole park to escape the noise. People complain to the police, but so far, the noise can’t be stopped because it’s not amplified.

So one person is allowed to inflict his noise on hundreds. Sometimes, it’s real music, but often it is just banging on a plastic bucket.

Lots of people have to leave the park just to avoid the noise. Let’s hope their voices are heard over the drum music!
Roger Ricklefs

Save Clayton’s archives!

To The Editor:
Re “Clayton Patterson at Howl Happening gallery” (news article, June 18):

Clayton Patterson is a true legend. His archives need to be preserved and viewed by young and old alike!
Jose Quiles

What homophobia may hide

To The Editor:
Re “Suspect surrenders to police in vicious Dallas BBQ bashing” (news article, June 18):

I had to laugh at the line in your article stating that you had not been able to “confirm that he is not gay.” Reminds me of Fats Waller’s comment “One never knows, do one?”

However, a recent study by the American Psychological Association shows that many homophobic men are actually secretly gay; so that would probably be a good place to start looking.
Lawrence White

Paved with potholes

To The Editor:
Greene St. between W. Fourth St. and Waverly Place is paved with cobblestones. The block between Washington Place and Waverly Place has some really deep potholes. Driving up Greene St. can be quite difficult. A pothole could cause serious damage to a car if a wheel went directly into it.

Is it possible that these potholes could be filled and repaved? I guess the fact that a sign saying “Broadway” has not yet appeared at the corner of Broadway and E. Eighth St. is an indication that repair is not an option.
George Jochnowitz

E-mail letters, not longer than 250 words in length, to news@thevillager.com or fax to 212-229-2790 or mail to The Villager, Letters to the Editor, 1 Metrotech North, 10th floor, Brooklyn, NY, NY 11201. Please include phone number for confirmation purposes. The Villager reserves the right to edit letters for space, grammar, clarity and libel. Anonymous letters will not be published.